Hi my name is Zacchaeus, formally one of the most despised men in Jericho that was until the day I encountered Christ. I was the Chief tax collector in the area and I had become wealthy by taking money from others, therefore I had been hated by most men; Which is what made seeing Jesus during his passing through Jericho very difficult. You see when I heard that Jesus was passing through my town, I wanted to get a glance of him, it began as just a curiosity but as I got closer to Him and meeting him, I was drawn to him and I wanted to meet him more and more despite being a sinner. According to all those around him I wasn’t worthy enough to be in his presence, I didn’t have a right to see their Lord. I tried to push through the crowd just see him, I really wanted to just see him, I didn’t have to meet him but the crowed just pushed me out and I was to short to see over them.
I had to do something so I ran ahead knowing he would have to cross my path and then I saw the fig tree, it’s perfect. So I climbed the tree and Jesus started coming my way, and he stopped just below me and looked up. I was speechless I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t catch my breath and I jut sat their in awe of Him. I then began to think the people were right I didn’t have a right to be here in front of Jesus, I was worried he was going to tell me so too, what might he say. He then spoke and I expected to be reprimanded and instead Jesus asked me to come down, I jumped down as fast as I could trying not to waste a moment. Jesus continued to speak and he said that he was going to stay at my house for the day; what? Jesus wanted to stay at my house, the house of a tax collector, a thief, and a sinner.
An instant joy overtook me and I was immediately ready to change my life, Jesus loves me, that joyous moment was interrupted as I looked around and saw the people talking about me and saying that I was unworthy, but as I looked back to Jesus to tell him that he should stay with someone worthy of his company, I saw his face and he didn’t care, he saw me for me not my sin.
In that one look I felt welcome and the guilt of my past had caught up with me, he didn’t have to say anything just being in his presence made me want to turn my life around. So I stood up and I said, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor” and I thought about it for a second, really? And then I felt a big YES and then I continued to say “ and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount." It was as if in that moment a weight was lifted, I felt free from my own conviction and I wanted to follow this man as my Lord. Jesus then answered saying "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.” I rejoiced, I belonged to Jesus and I was his follower, but even better is that he to accepted me as his follower and son. As asked we then went to my home and in that one day I was affected for the rest of my life.