Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley challenges his leadership to keeping the vision or as he say making the vision stick. Andy’s approach to vision by casting the vision as a whole the leadership coming together in agreement and support to their vision, they provide definition to the vision. Next they celebrate the vision and make it a part of their culture and finally they live it out.

So how do you cast your vision? Well Andy states that it basically needs to be real, he says to talk about it clearly. The point that are needed to be taken begin with first looking and defining the problem, what needs to be done and what needs to be done better in ministry; second is your vision the solution to that problem; and third is to present the problems with reason, ask yourself why must we do this and here’s why we need to do it now.

Celebrating the vision it he next big step in making a vision stick,  Andy Stanley says that “celebration is what puts the skin on the vision” it “further defines and further clarifies vision.” In the video Andy advises people to reflect on what is happening due to their vision and celebrate the good that is happening due to their vision.

Finally living out the vision, that’s right living it out beyond just words. Andy says to live with authenticity; you need to ask of things that you would do yourself. Do not ask someone to do something you would not do.

In the end I hope that this has gotten you thinking about the vision of your church and even your personal vision, just as it did to me. We need to meet the need with vision and own the vision. 

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